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The People

The People: Text

He She They Them

He She They Them, a collection of gender pronouns, these are the words we all commonly use to define others. In this collection, I’m exploring both the imposed limitations and real world expansions of such gender definitions.

The People: Text
The People: Product Slider

Lessons In Seeing

In life sessions, offered by many different hosts, there are models I draw regularly, and several I follow from place to place. These good, hard working people are professionals to the core, offering a diversity of poses and a range of physiques. Some work with narratives and all have a solid working knowledge of how skin and bone perform together. There are a much smaller number of models whom I work with privately. These beautiful souls, hour by hour, with their willingness to demonstrate the deeper truth that all our skeletons are merely temporary homes, teach me how to see beyond structures and into their unique and vulnerable beings.

The People: Text
The People: Product Slider

Stranger Series

Sitting at a cafe, walking down a street, on a bus, attending a conference, leafing through random photographs that I or someone else has taken, a stranger catches my eye. Something about them moves me, and I want to look more closely.

The People: Text
The People: Product Slider

Those I Know

Yes, friends, family, fellow artists -- people I know, my dearlings, those who were, once upon a time, strangers. All of them now seen more clearly and held even closer to my heart.

The People: Text
The People: Product Slider

Where Are You Hurt

I, and everyone I’ve ever met, have some broken places. Fearing more hurt or judgements, we all try to hide them. But for some, the pain is too big, the scars too thick, the damage too extensive to conceal. These people tend to make others uneasy. This collection reflects the connections I feel when instead of closing my eyes, I open them wider and my looking quietly asks “show me, please, where are you hurt?”

The People: Text
The People: Product Slider

Check Back Regularly -- More to Come!

The People: Text
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